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Global Health and Wellness Solutions Solutions was conceived at Kota, Rajasthan the nation’s education capital in early 2018. It is one of the fastest growing medical/hospital device manufacturers in the country. It is a large-scale comprehensive medical device enterprise specializing in manufacturing, apparel, production, supply and service. The company focuses on improving the medical care environment, providing safe, efficient and user-friendly products to effectively relieve the work pressure of hospital and emergency services industry.

Global Health and Wellness Solutions Solutions was conceived at Kota, Rajasthan the nation’s education capital in early 2018. It is one of the fastest growing medical/hospital device manufacturers in the country. It is a large-scale comprehensive medical device enterprise specializing in manufacturing, apparel, production, supply and service. The company focuses on improving the medical care environment, providing safe, efficient and user-friendly products to effectively relieve the work pressure of hospital and emergency services industry.